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Jim Brown leads workshop in Thailand

July 30, 2012

Associate Professor Jim Brown led a workshop for full time and Western volunteer teachers in schools for Burmese migrants and refugees along the Thai-Burma border.

Samantha DiRosa’s work included in exhibition on water

July 25, 2012

A triptych of photographs from Associate Professor of Digital Art and Environmental Studies Samantha DiRosa's body of work Gathering Dust: Sediment/Sentiment, was included in K Space Contemporary's group exhibition on the theme of water, titled Watered Down: The Ebb and the Flow, in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Todd Coleman’s music featured at national flute convention

July 19, 2012

As part of an exiting new online musical collaboration, associate professor Todd Coleman's "Wind Dance," a musical composition for a 12-part flute choir, has been selected by Troubadour Music to be collaboratively recorded over the Internet by flute players throughout the world, dubbed the "New World Flutet."