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Rosemary Haskell Presents Paper at the National Popular Culture & American Culture Association Conference
April 17, 2012
English Professor Rosemary Haskell presented "Spy Fiction on Television: Spooks / MI5 and the Queer Carnival of British Culture" at the 2012 Conference of the National Popular Culture & American Culture Association. The conference was held in Boston, Mass., on April 11-14, 2012.
Kevin Boyle Invited To Read Poems
April 16, 2012
Lucinda Austin co-authors journal article about crisis communication model
April 15, 2012
Communications assistant professor Lucinda Austin co-authored an article about how and where people find information during crises in the Journal of Applied Communication Research.
Buffie Longmire-Avital publishes article in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
April 13, 2012
Buffie Longmire-Avital, an assistant professor of psychology, has published an article examining how gender moderates the relationships between depressive symptomatology and alcohol use for HIV-positive African Americans.
Nicole Triche’s ‘Metacarpus’ playing three times at Full Frame
April 13, 2012
Communications assistant professor Nicole Triche’s short documentary "Metacarpus" will be screened three times at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival April 14-15 in Durham, N.C.
David Levine presents at Cardozo Law
April 13, 2012
Elon Law Professor David Levine was invited to be a featured presenter at the thirtieth anniversary symposium of the Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, held March 28.
Cherrel Miller-Dyce to present keynote address at UNC-Greensboro symposium
April 12, 2012
Assistant Professor of Education Cherrel Miller Dyce will be the keynote speaker at The North Carolina College Personnel Association’s (NCCPA) Graduate Student and New Professionals Research Symposium on April 21 at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Thomas Erdmann Has CD Reviews Published
April 12, 2012
Michelle Ferrier publishes book chapter on virtual work
April 11, 2012
Communications associate professor Michelle Ferrier has co-authored a refereed chapter in the book “Virtual Work and Human Interaction Research,” edited by Shawn Long of UNC-Charlotte and published by IGI Global in April 2012.