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Michelle Trim Presents Paper at Information Literacy Conference

September 25, 2011

Michelle Trim, a lecturer in the Department of English, gave the presentation, "Resisting Automatic Adoption and Uncritical Use of Technology in Student Research," at this past weekend's Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy in Savannah, Ga.

Stephen A. Futrell has motets featured at workshop

September 21, 2011

The 18th Annual Arizona State University High School Choral Leadership Workshop featured editions of three classical period motets edited by associate professor of music and director of Choral Activities Stephen A. Futrell.

David Levine publishes on “Black Box” law making

September 20, 2011

Elon Law professor David Levine's article, "Transparency Soup: The ACTA Negotiating Process and 'Black Box' Lawmaking," has been published in the American University International Law Review, Volume 26, Number 3.