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Alex Yap presents Cloud Computing Research at INFORMS Conference

November 21, 2011

Alex Yap, an associate professor of management information systems, presented research titled "Cloud Computing Services in Finance: Ready for Ubiquitous Computing?" at the INFORMS Conference (Institute for Operational Research & the Management Science) held at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, N.C., from Nov. 12-16, 2011.

John Burbridge Presents at INFORMS

November 21, 2011

John Burbridge, a professor of operations and supply chain management, presented "Sabermetrics: Analytics and Baseball" at the INFORMS Annual Meeting on Nov. 16 in Charlotte, N.C.

Julie Lellis authors article for Disability & Society

November 18, 2011

Julie Lellis, an assistant professor in the School of Communications, published an article discussing the role of higher education in assuming social leadership on disability services in the international journal Disability & Society.

Chris Leupold presents, publishes pharmacist retention study

November 17, 2011

Chris Leupold, associate professor of psychology, presented a paper at the 2011 Southern Management Association meeting in Savannah, Ga. The manuscript, " To Stay or To Go?: The Roles of Job Embeddedness and Correlate Factors in Retail Pharmacists’ Intentions to Leave” was published in the proceedings of the annual meeting.

O’Mara publishes paper on mass customization

November 16, 2011

Kevin O’Mara, professor of management in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, published a paper entitled “The Strategic Case for Mass Customization” in the summer 2011 issue of the Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences.