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Young Alumni Council gathers for spring meeting

April 18, 2011

Members of Elon's Young Alumni Council gathered on campus April 1-2 for its annual spring meeting, welcoming new members, celebrating the success of the March IGNITE Challenge and honoring outstanding graduates of the past decade at the inaugural Top 10 Under 10 Awards banquet.

Elon dedicates Alumni Field House

April 16, 2011

Elon University trustees gathered with Phoenix athletics fans and many other friends of the university to dedicate Alumni Field House on April 16. The 30,000-square-foot facility at the north end of Rhodes Stadium in the North Athletics Complex serves as the headquarters for Elon’s sports programs.

Elon alumna Keiko Sudani ’08 describes the earthquake in Japan

April 4, 2011

Keiko Sudani '08, who teaches at a school in Tokyo, has sent a message to the Elon community describing her experiences in the March 11 earthquake. Keiko is the sister of Asami Sudani '06 who previously shared an account of her experiences. Read this note for Keiko's letter to Elon.