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Elon alumni featured in CUR/NCUR gala at Library of Congress
November 9, 2010
On Oct. 27, the Council on Undergraduate Research and the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research celebrated the merging of their organizations with a gala at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. The event included a slide show highlighting undergraduate research students from various institutions across the country. Because of Elon's commitment to undergraduate research and the recognition its students have received over the years, CUR and NCUR asked to include several Elon alumni in the presentation.
Sorority alums honor Jo Williams ’55 with “Heart of Gold” Award
November 9, 2010
Jo Watts Williams ‘55 has dedicated much of her distinguished career to Elon University, and on Saturday, the sisters of a sorority Williams joined in the 1940s honored her with the inaugural Tau Zeta Phi-Sigma Sigma Sigma “Heart of Gold” Award for her inspiration and life of selfless service.
Learn more about the plan to transform Elon’s residential campus
November 9, 2010
A special Residential Campus Committee has spent the past year drafting a plan that will transform Elon's living-learning environment. Through a new website, the committee is inviting a campus conversation about the details of this initiative, a major goal of the Elon Commitment strategic plan.
Banquet celebrates Elon employees and Black Alumni Scholarship
November 5, 2010
The Elon Black Alumni Network honored five past and present Elon University employees Saturday night in a Homecoming banquet to celebrate influential people who contributed to the success of black students on Elon's campus and to the newly endowed Black Alumni Scholarship.
Philadelphia IGNITE Nite – Nov. 8
November 2, 2010
Elon Alumni Association honors accomplished grads
November 2, 2010
The Elon Alumni Association honored five exemplary graduates on Oct. 23, 2010, during the annual Alumni Awards Breakfast held as part of Homecoming. Jack R. Lindley Sr. ’56, Kebbler McGhee Williams '98, Michelle C. Pautz ’03, and Charles “Chuck” and Carole Ann Collard ’89 received the Distinguished Alumnus, Distinguished Alumna, Young Alumna and Alumni Service awards, respectively.
Images from Homecoming 2010
November 2, 2010
Elon alumni from all eras returned to campus Oct. 23 for Homecoming festivities that included affinity group reunions, tailgating and football. Relive the moments with a photo gallery of images captured by the Office of University Relations.
Young alumni! Take the IGNITE Challenge with Elon trustee Kerrii Brown Anderson ’79
October 29, 2010
Elon alumna and trustee Kerrii Brown Anderson ’79, former CEO of Wendy’s International, has issued a challenge to all young alumni: Make a gift of $20 or more during February and she’ll match it 5-to-1. Anderson wants to increase participation in annual giving among Elon’s young alumni.
Richmond Chapter Holiday Party – Dec. 1
October 29, 2010