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Fun and fellowship on display at annual Summer Concert and Picnic
June 22, 2023
With live music, prize drawings and free refreshments, Elon showed its appreciation to its staff, faculty and community with the Summer Concert and Picnic.
Elon DPT students lead dance class for people with Parkinson’s disease
June 16, 2023
Ann Heil, third-year DPT student, and Kelly O'Daniel, second-year DPT student, came together last year to found the Dance Special Interest Group (SIG).
Trouble the Waters: Freedom Scholars Symposium celebrates achievements of inaugural cohort
June 15, 2023
Twelve ABSS high school graduates were recognized during the symposium on Sunday, June 11.
University welcomes new Elon Academy cohort at ice cream social
June 13, 2023
The academy's Sigma cohort is one of three that is spending the next three weeks on Elon's campus for courses and college preparation sessions.
Kernodle Center for Civic Life announces Service Honor Roll for 2022-23 academic year
June 12, 2023
The center recognized 76 students who each contributed at least 100 hours of work with the community.
Denis Dotson ’15 completes five-year odyssey of love and compassion
June 7, 2023
Dotson made the journey to all 32 NHL arenas to raise money for cancer research in honor of his grandmother who passed away in 2018.
Resources and recommendations for celebrating Pride Month
June 7, 2023
June is Pride Month, and the Gender & LGBTQIA Center at Elon University offers some resources and guidance for how to celebrate.
John Luke Farah ’24 uses research to raise profiles of the businesses of refugees
June 5, 2023
Part ethnographic research, part marketing study, Farah worked with six microenterprises founded by clients of the Triad Refugee Business Center to build their online presence and gain customers.
2023 Race, Reflection and Discussion Series begins this summer
June 1, 2023
CREDE and other partners host facilitated discussions on race and racism in our communities for faculty and staff.
Kindred spirits work together at Kindred Seedlings Farm
May 30, 2023
Environmental Studies students partner with local small business, Kindred Seedlings Farm, in a community-engaged course this spring to help break ground on a new agricultural endeavor.