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Elon Votes! engaging campus community with Election Day events
November 3, 2020
Elon is engaging the campus community in meaningful conversations before and after the 2020 presidential election through a series of scheduled events.
New PSA produced by Eric Hernandez ’16 calls on Americans to vote
October 27, 2020
The Elon graduate, who works as a producer and director for Rocky Mountain PBS, teamed with fellow Elon alumni to create a public service announcement that provides a "symbolic journey through America's history of voting rights."
Kernodle Center’s Service Week 2020 offers opportunities to give back
October 23, 2020
The Kernodle Center for Civic Life has organized events from Oct. 25 that provide a variety of ways to give back to the community and engage in civic-minded dialogue.
Elon Votes! is dedicated to making every student voice heard this election year
October 23, 2020
With the ongoing pandemic, voting looks a little different this year. Read how Elon Votes!, the nonpartisan campus initiative, is helping students get their ballots ready for the upcoming election season.
KCCE: Alamance Arts
October 21, 2020
Alamance Arts is in need of student volunteers to help move items from Gibsonville to Graham for an upcoming holiday show.
Elon Connected: Through Elon Volunteers!, Sam Murphy helps bring community together
October 21, 2020
This is the next profile in "Elon Connected," a new series that highlights how students are involved with campus organizations at Elon.
Peace Corps: An opportunity to volunteer and see in the world through a new lens
October 19, 2020
Elon University 2021 graduates interested in volunteering as a part of the Peace Corps should begin to prepare their application.
Alumni in Action: Accidental journalist Alli Lindenberg ’17 spreads hope with her podcast ‘Hope Starts Here’
October 19, 2020
To shed light during a dark time, Alli decided to combat the negative news cycle by sharing stories of hope.
Elon University among national leaders in student voter registration
October 16, 2020
Elon is receiving national attention for its voter registration efforts, ranking in TurboVote’s top 10 colleges or universities in total registrations and percentage of registrations among undergraduates.
Gendle co-authors article on community tourism development efforts in Sri Lanka
October 16, 2020
The article by Mathew Gendle, director of Project Pericles and professor of psychology, will appear in the next issue of the journal Tourism in Paradise.