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ALANAM Town Hall – Sept. 21

September 2, 2015

ALANAM Town Hall meetings will be held twice a semester this school year to address the campus climate issues in regards to ALANAM students. 

Ash Wednesday – Lent Begins – Christian

September 1, 2015

In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent, 40 days of preparation for Easter. Many Christians observe a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, and spiritual discipline.

Imbolc – Lughnassad – Nature Traditions

September 1, 2015

The second of four great fire festivals, Imbolc (meaning “in milk”) recognizes a time of awakening, promise and hope for the spring. This holiday begins at sundown on Feb. 1 and ends at sundown on Feb. 2.