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Elon Law professor analyzes new “Ag-Gag” law

February 4, 2016

Elon Law Professor Enrique Armijo explained on WFDD radio why North Carolina’s new Property Protection Act, allowing companies to sue whistleblowers who conduct undercover investigations, is likely to be struck down in federal court. 

Performing Arts professor reaches career milestone

February 3, 2016

With the opening night performance of "The Light in the Piazza" on Feb. 12, 2016, Associate Professor Bill Webb will reach a univeristy and perfoming arts department milestone by working on his 100th Elon production.

Ann Bullock named dean of Elon's School of Education

February 2, 2016

The associate professor of education from East Carolina University will oversee an Elon school with 22 full-time faculty members and five full-time faculty members from Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences, who work with teacher education programs.