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Larry Basirico quoted in Wall Street Journal holiday story

December 10, 2015

The professor of sociology shared his expertise for a Dec. 9, 2015, column about a Pennsylvania family navigating the holidays for the first time without the husband and wife who brought everyone together each Christmas.

Professor's book honored by International Studies Association

December 9, 2015

Co-authored by Elon University's Laura Roselle, "Strategic Narratives: Communication Power and the New World Order" received the 2016 International Communication Book Award for having made "the most substantial impact in the area of international communication in the context of international studies."

Doritos' 'Crash the Super Bowl' contest has Elon flavor

December 8, 2015

Elon University staff member Ryan Witt and senior Brian Szymanski partnered to produce an entry for the fan-made commercial contest and their submission was named a semifinalist for the competition’s $1 million grand prize.