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In My Words: Government transparency is being lost

September 21, 2015

Jonathan D. Jones, director of the N.C. Open Government Coalition and an instructor in Elon University's School of Communications, authored a guest column for several North Carolina newspapers about recent changes to state public record laws.

Youssef Osman, Nicole Triche attend UFVA conference

September 18, 2015

The assistant professors of communications traveled to Washington, D.C., for a four-day conference designed to inspire, energize and challenge professors, scholars, and film and video makers.

Professor’s book explores travel, effects of information overload

September 15, 2015

David Bockino, an assistant professor in the School of Communications, penned his first book, “The Guidebook Experiment: Discovering Exploration in a Hyper-Connected World,” examining how the proliferation of guidebook material has fundamentally altered the nature of travel.