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Planning Week for faculty & staff begins August 18

August 6, 2014

Elon University employees should visit the Planning Week website for more information on ceremonies, workshops, meetings and a school supply drive that take place in the days leading up to the start of the 2014-15 academic year.

Pamela Winfield edits special journal issue on New Religious Movements

August 2, 2014

In her second edited issue of CrossCurrents Journal, the associate professor of religious studies complicates the scholarly category of New Religious Movements and argues that this label "fails to recognize both old and new elements in any evolving religious tradition, classifies completely disparate groups solely on the basis of their 19th-21st century establishment dates (not doctrines, practices, or family-resemblances to host or cognate groups), and often ignores adherents’ claims to their continuity with established sects."

Campus Uncommons: Nancy Midgette

August 1, 2014

A member of Elon’s faculty for almost 30 years, the professor of history is passionate about her job. But if there’s anything she loves doing as much as teaching, it’s being a devoted fan of America’s pastime.