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Dianne Ford presents at conference

March 18, 2013

Dianne Ford, coordinator of serials and government documents in Belk Library, presented with Nancy Gibbs from Duke University at the 22nd N.C. Serials Conference on March 15.

Elon faculty and staff offer workshop at NCAIE

March 18, 2013

Associate Professor of Spanish Donna Van Bodegraven, together with Bill Burress, Anna Lainfiesta and Elizabeth Snell of the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center, co-presented a pre-conference workshop at the annual conference of the North Carolina Association of International Educators.

Stevens, Buechler receive “Best Paper” Award

March 15, 2013

Betsy Stevens, associate professor of management, and Scott Buechler, assistant professor of business communications, received the “Best Paper” award at the 2013 Association for Business Communication Midwest/Southeast Regional Conference on Mar. 8 in Louisville, Ky.

Deal Spotlight: Hotel savings

March 15, 2013

Planning an overnight stay? Elon employees can take advantage of two new discounts available at hotels.