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Faith Rivers James publishes “Leadership and Social Justice Lawyering”

October 1, 2012

Elon Law Professor and Director of Leadership Programs Faith Rivers James authored an article published in the Santa Clara Law Review. In the article, titled, “Leadership and Social Justice Lawyering,” (52 Santa Clara L. Rev. 971 (2012)), Rivers James discusses the role of lawyers in social justice movements and specific case studies, which exemplify the necessary skills to achieve success in various areas of legal practice.

John Sullivan publishes article “Friendships in Later Life”

September 28, 2012

John G. Sullivan, Powell Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, has published an article titled “Friendships in Later Life,” in the Summer 2012 issue of Itineraries, the electronic journal of the North Carolina non-profit, Second Journey.

Scott Gaylord publishes on judicial selection in Michigan State Law Review

September 27, 2012

The most recent addition to Elon Law Professor Scott Gaylord’s scholarly work on judicial selection includes publication in the Michigan State Law Review. The article, titled, “Unconventional Wisdom: The Roberts Court’s Proper Support of Judicial Elections,” (2011 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1521) was published in the law review’s 2011 edition.

Economics and psychology faculty publish paper with alum

September 25, 2012

Thomas Tiemann, Jefferson Pilot Professor of Economics, and Alan Scott, assistant professor of psychology, along with recent psychology and sociology graduate Katerine Atkins, have published a paper, "Sidewalks, Streets, and Walkability," in Spaces and Flows: An international journal of urban and extraurban studies.