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Gerald Knight Performs and Moderates Panel at Historic Conference

March 28, 2012

Gerald R. Knight, assistant professor of music, spent most of the week of March 19-25 participating in a historic conference at UNC Chapel Hill. The conference, Videmus@25, celebrated the contribution made to classical music by women, African Americans, and underrepresented composers.

Randall Bowman and Barbara Gordon present at composition conference

March 28, 2012

Randall Bowman, reference/instruction librarian, and Barbara Gordon, associate professor of English, made a presentation titled “Targeted, not Generic, Library Instruction for First Year Writers” at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in St. Louis on March 22, 2012.

Ross Howell publishes story in Sewanee Review

March 27, 2012

The spring 2012 edition of The Sewanee Review includes a short story, "In the Traces," by Ross Howell, adjunct professor of English. The magazine will be available mid-April. The Sewanee Review is America's oldest continuously published literary quarterly, now celebrating its 120th year.

Michael Kingston elected president of N.C. Academy of Science

March 26, 2012

Dr. Michael Kingston, professor of biology and environmental studies, was elected to the position of President-Elect at the North Carolina Academy of Science's 109th annual meeting at Campbell University on March 23-25. He will serve as the Academy's President during the 2013-2014 academic year.