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Michelle Ferrier shares startup tips at journalism conference

August 25, 2011

Media entrepreneurship comes in many sizes and would-be entrepreneurs should consider how their passions might grow into full-blown enterprises, said associate professor Michelle Ferrier at the National Association of Black Journalists in Philadelphia on Aug. 12-13 in Philadelphia.

David Vandermast chairs chapter meeting

August 25, 2011

David Vandermast, associate professor of biology and environmental studies, chaired the meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of the Ecological Society of America in Austin, Texas, on August 10.

Burpitt and Valle publish article on balancing exploration and exploitation

August 25, 2011

Bill Burpitt, LSB associate dean for graduate and executive programs and professor of management, and Matthew Valle, professor of management, recently published an article, “Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in a Declining Industry: Antecedents to Firm Adaptation Strategy and Performance,” in the most recent issue (21, 1) of the Journal of Small Business Strategy. The article explores why some firms are better able than others to adapt to threatening changes in their markets.

New faculty join Elon Law

August 25, 2011

Peter Toll Hoffman joins Elon as professor of law and director of the legal skills program. Donald R. Dancer and John M. Flynn will serve as distinguished practitioners in residence. Douglas K. Chapman and David R. Maraghy will serve as visiting professors of law.

Gary Palin applies entrepreneurial principles to improve security for college students

August 25, 2011

Gary Palin, a senior lecturer and executive director of the Doherty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, is one of seven individuals in a joint entrepreneurial venture that has raised more than $2.4 million from investors with interest in the company’s GPS technology to track people and pets.