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In My Words: Don't lose sight of the good cops

May 23, 2015

Associate Professor Anthony Hatcher writes for regional newspapers about the ease with which Americans forget about good police officers in an era when the public is easily riveted by abuses caught on cell phone video.

In My Words: Why we should all support #SaveStudentAid

May 19, 2015

Greg Zaiser, vice president for admissions and financial planning at Elon University, writes for regional newspapers about the need to preserve federal funding that helps students of modest means afford college.

In My Words: Sun rises to take on climate change

April 21, 2015

In the lead up to Earth Day 2015, Associate Professor Dave Gammon writes for regional newspapers about the falling costs of solar energy and the bright news ahead for both the environment and industry.

In My Words: Forgetting lynching at our peril

March 3, 2015

Professor Rebecca Todd Peters recently published a column on the Huffington Post and in regional newspapers about the complexity of teaching her young daughters about the history of racism in the United States and the concept of privilege.

In My Words: The 'Friendship Nine' show that history keeps evolving

February 18, 2015

Kenn Gaither, an associate professor and associate dean in the School of Communications, writes in regional newspapers about his experience growing up the son of a civil rights activist and what a recent South Carolina courtroom decision says about today's struggles for social justice.

In My Words: 'Empire' and the Lyons are the new modern family

February 9, 2015

FOX's "Empire," one of 2015's most popular new television programs, is setting Hollywood records for audience growth, and Associate Professor Naeemah Clark writes in a column for regional newspapers about some of the reasons behind its success.