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In My Words: Real women of the hair salon

November 10, 2013

Associate Professor Naeemah Clark in the School of Communications writes in a newspaper opinion column how several "reality" television programs don't accurately portray the roles African-American women play in their communities.

In My Words: Stop arguing about the science of climate change

October 6, 2013

Public policy debates on addressing climate change are one thing, but in a newspaper guest column, Associate Professor Dave Gammon says it's time to move past disagreements about the scientific data proving that humans are largely the cause.

In My Words: In defense of 'Invisible Man'

September 28, 2013

When a North Carolina school system temporarily pulled "Invisible Man" from its libraries,  Associate Professor Anthony Hatcher turned to newspaper opinion pages to explain why such bans are misguided.

In My Words: A strike to end the war in Syria

September 16, 2013

With relatives in Syria and steeped in its history, Assistant Professor Haya Ajjan writes in a newspaper guest column about the need for U.S. military involvement to end a brutal civil war while putting a stop to the use of chemical weapons in her home country.

In My Words: Beautiful, strong … and invisible

September 10, 2013

Associate Professor Naeemah Clark writes in a newspaper guest column about the lack of minority female role models on television who can be a positive influence for all girls of color.