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Scholarship donors and students celebrate education and philanthropy

October 26, 2010

More than 250 people gathered in McKinnon Hall Monday night for the university’s annual scholarship dinner. Donors of need- and talent-based academic scholarships met with their student scholarship recipients and heard an update on the Ever Elon Campaign and presentations from two Lumen Scholars.

Alumni share career advice in Homecoming visits

October 23, 2010

In what has become a Homecoming tradition for successful young alumni, graduates of the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business and the School of Communications shared career tips and life advice Friday in "wisdom sessions" for current students as part of Homecoming 2010. Alumni from the School of Education held a similar program Saturday morning prior to the official start of football festivities around campus.

Pericles sabbatical benefits international arts charity

October 15, 2010

Kathryn Wheet ’04 helps students receive a worldly education as an international programs advisor at Elon, but for two weeks in July, she brought the world home to children in her native Maryland as a volunteer with the nonprofit World Artists Experiences through a university service sabbatical with Project Pericles.

Terrell Hudgins ’10 honored prior to Family Weekend football game

October 15, 2010

Former Elon Phoenix football standout receiver Terrell Hudgins was honored with the retirement of his jersey prior to Elon’s October 2 game. Standing at mid-field, Hudgins received a framed jersey from Dave Blank, director of athletics. The crowd responded with a standing ovation in recognition of Hudgins' football achievements.

Darris Means receives Phi Kappa Phi award

October 15, 2010

Darris Means '05, assistant director of the Elon Academy, recently earned the Love of Learning Award from the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. The award helps fund graduate studies or career development opportunities for active members of Phi Kappa Phi.

Patsy Lynch ’75 honored as a GLBT History Month Icon

October 14, 2010

Photographer Patsy Lynch '75 has been named one of 31 GLBT History Month Icons by the Equality Forum, a national and international GLBT civil rights organization. Lynch, an accomplished photographer, documented decades of GLBT history as a staff member for The Advocate and the UPI news agency, and she was the first openly gay journalist to receive a White House press credential.