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Professor’s book reexamines 19th century American painters

August 25, 2010

For decades, art historians ignored the work of impressionist painters who used their talent to paint scenes of domestic life in 19th century America. A forthcoming book by associate professor Kirstin Ringelberg argues that it’s time for scholars to reexamine these paintings, which depict a more complex story of the time normally seen to show women simply as “decorative” objects.

Evan Gatti presents paper at Conference on Bishops & Saints in Croatia

May 24, 2010

Assistant professor Evan Gatti presented “A Bishop’s Blessing on the Border or In-between: The Frontispiece in the Benedictional of Engilmar” at the May 27-30 conference Bishop Saints and Saintly Bishops sponsored by Hagiotheca and the Hagiography Society in Porec, Croatia.

Faculty and student scholarship celebrated at SURF

April 28, 2010

The annual Spring Undergraduate Research Forum on April 27, 2010, promoted and celebrated work from more than 100 students who made presentations about their scholarship in disciplines as diverse as psychology, exercise science, chemistry, public relations and economics.