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LEAD Workshop: Leading with Integrity

January 29, 2015

The Leading with Integrity workshop will help put yours beliefs into action and teach you the importance of ethical decision making.  


LEAD Workshop: Cross Cultural

January 2, 2015

Culture is more often a source of conflict rather than synergy. Despite the evidence that groups are different, we tend to believe that all people are the same, minimizing cultural difference leading to misunderstanding and misinterpretations. The Cross Cultural Leadership workshop sheds light on these differences, as well as similarities, and provides you with an understanding of other cultures and how to behave when interacting with individuals or groups outside of your culture.  

LEAD Workshops: Identity Mini Retreat

January 2, 2015

The Identity Mini-Retreat allows for the opportunity to engage in dialogue, reflection, and training in hopes to help you understand yourself and gain an insight into your privilege/oppression, prejudice, discrimination and stereotypes.

LEAD Workshops: Response Ability

January 2, 2015

The Response Ability workshop provides a foundation for understanding the social phenomenon called “bystander behavior” and teach you the necessary skills to intervene and live a virtuous life.

LEAD Workshop: Elon Leader 

January 2, 2015

The Elon Leader workshop will help you better understand your role and responsibility as a leader on Elon's campus and community.


LEAD Workshop: Strengths

January 2, 2015

The Strengths workshop focuses on teaching you to maximize your strengths and understand the different styles of leadership.


Cannon Celebration

January 2, 2015

This is the closing event for students involved in all Center for Leadership programs. This celebration includes speakers, LEAD Program Tier recognition, a slideshow of photos, and a meal. The Cannon Celebration is on May 5th at 6:00pm in Lakeside Hall.

Organization President Spring Meeting & Dinner – Feb. 23

January 2, 2015

Student organization presidents gather to learn about resources, collaborate, and gain valuable information pertinent to their roles on campus. The Spring Meeting and Dinner is on February 23rd at 6:00pm in Lakeside Hall. 


Fellows: Capstone Dinner

January 2, 2015

These are monthly dinners for seniors in the Leadership Fellows program. Capstone Dinners feature speakers that help seniors reflect on their four years, as well as prepare for life after college. This Capstone Dinner is on March 17th at 5:30pm in the Isabella Cannon Room.