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ICLP Opening Ceremonies-Sept. 18
September 16, 2011
Incoming students discover Adventures in Leadership
July 26, 2011
Whitewater rafting, hiking, camping and rock climbing in West Virginia were on the docket this month for 64 incoming first-year students as part of Adventures in Leadership, a summer experience for rising freshmen sponsored by the Center for Leadership and Campus Recreation.
Chris Leupold presents at national leadership conference
July 26, 2011
Chris Leupold, associate professor of psychology and Faculty Leadership Fellow, recently delivered two presentations at Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference which was held July 11-13 in Denver, CO.
Elon senior selected for Rangel Scholars program in Washington
June 13, 2011
Elon University senior Cedric Pulliam, a political science and international studies double major with aspirations of joining the U.S. Foreign Service, will participate this summer in a highly selective national program that introduces scholars to diplomatic officials and career opportunities in international relations.
Elon students win national finance/accounting contest
June 13, 2011
A team of four Elon University business school students won first place this month in a national case competition that measured the ability to interpret, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and communicate a solution to a management accounting problem.
LEADstrong Week
May 25, 2011
Adventures in Leadership: Week One
May 25, 2011
Adventures in Leadership: Week Two
May 25, 2011
Alamance Youth Leadership Academy
May 25, 2011