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Holocaust survivor George Abraham shares story of survival with Elon
November 9, 2020
George Abraham, a Holocaust survivor and Elon grandparent, shared his story with the Elon community in a Facebook Live event on Nov. 5.
Holocaust survivor and Elon grandparent George Abraham to share his story during virtual event
October 28, 2020
“Surviving the Holocaust-An Evening with George Abraham” will take place online November 5th at 7:30 pm.
Gatti presents paper at International Conference of Iconographic Studies
October 19, 2020
Evan A. Gatti, associate professor of art history, presented “The Vercelli Rotolus: Images of the Acts of the Apostles the Arts of Imitation” at the conference, which was organized by the Center for Iconographic Studies and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, the Société des Bollandistes (Bruxelles), and Hagiotheca: Croatian Hagiography Society (Zagreb).
Nine Elon faculty present at the virtual AAC&U Global Learning conference
October 12, 2020
Nine Elon faculty presented their scholarship at the Association of American Colleges & Universities 2020 Virtual Conference on Global Learning.
Amy Allocco is named co-coordinator of the International Association for the History of Religion Women Scholars Network
October 12, 2020
Allocco will serve for a five-year term alongside Milda Ališauskienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) and lead a women's mentoring initiative among members of the Women Scholars Network.
Kernodle Center for Civic Life announces new Communities of Practice program
October 8, 2020
The Service Learning Faculty Scholars program for the first time will include two cohorts of faculty and staff members ready to further integrate the service-learning pedagogy into the Elon curriculum.
Huber co-edits book on gender and sexuality in the Bible
September 25, 2020
Huber co-edited a collection of critical readings related to the study of gender, sex and sexuality in biblical texts and traditions.
Research team publishes preliminary findings on teaching methods in interreligious studies
September 24, 2020
Brian Pennington and Amy Allocco are joined by faculty from the Twin Cities to identify best practices in a new teaching and research field.
The Nineteen: Emily Wilbourne ’22 in South Korea
September 21, 2020
Emily Wilbourne is one of 19 undergraduate and graduate students studying abroad and Studying USA this fall. "The Nineteen" is a series where we’ll take a closer look at these students’ stories to learn how global education is happening in this historic moment.
Religious Studies Research Spotlight: Hannah Thorpe ’20
May 20, 2020
The senior Religious Studies major studied Jewish responses to white nationalism.