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Professors to share insights & stories of global refugee crises – March 4
March 3, 2015
“Forced Migration, Violence, and Poverty in a Global Society: A Panel Discussion on World Refugee & Migration Crises” will allow Elon University faculty to share firsthand knowledge of issues surrounding international human rights issues.
Scholar gives talk about French Muslims in contemporary France
February 27, 2015
A Feb. 19, 2015, guest lecture by Professor Michel Bondurand of the NC Consortium Paris program spoke about the way Muslims in France practice their faith.
'The Islamic State in Syria: A Foreign Invasion' – Feb. 25
February 24, 2015
Two representatives of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces will visit campus for a Wednesday evening discussion about the Syrian uprising. Their visit is sponsored by Elon's Center for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Society.
Elon mourns Chapel Hill shooting victims at campus vigil
February 12, 2015
Students, faculty and staff expressed their deep sorrow, lit candles and prayed together as they honored the three Muslim students who were murdered this week
Brian Pennington receives grant, presents new research on Hinduism and climate change
December 5, 2014
Pennington's long-term research in the Indian Himalayas was extended by a grant from the American Academy of Religion to study how local Hindus respond to recent catastrophic floods
Religious Studies faculty present research
November 17, 2014
Faculty from the Religious Studies Department will be participating in the Annual Meetings of the American Academy of Religion, International Association for Qur’anic Studies and the Society of Biblical Literature Nov. 21-25 in San Diego, Calif.
Indian Filmmaker Recounts Struggle between Gods – Nov. 17
November 10, 2014
Pankaj Rishi Kumar will screen and discuss film about conflict pitting villagers in South India against powerful Hindu temple
'Praying with their Legs: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.' – Oct. 21
October 21, 2014
Susannah Heschel (Dartmouth College) will speak about the friendship and shared vision of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and her father, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, at 7:30 p.m. in the Numen Lumen Pavilion.