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Faculty to share work funded by writing grants

February 5, 2015

The Writing Excellence Initiative is inviting the campus community to learn more this spring about faculty and staff projects designed to enhance writing instruction in all types of classes at Elon University.

Writing To Become a Scholar – April 9

January 22, 2015

Steve Braye from the Department of English; Bud Warner from the Department of Human Service Studies; April Post from the Department of World Languages and Cultures; and Carol Smith from the Department of Health and Human Performance, describe their Writing Excellence Initiative Grant Project.

Elon students publish book on studying abroad in Costa Rica

December 12, 2014

Teaching Fellows who traveled last spring to the Central American country created a resource to help future students who want to study abroad in a nation known for its natural beauty, as well as its rapid social, economic and environmental changes.

Anthony Hatcher publishes article about WWII veteran on Huffington Post

November 12, 2014

The associate professor of communications interviewed 92-year-old J.C. Nethercutt, a WWII vet who was Hatcher's neighbor when he was growing up in eastern North Carolina. Nethercutt, who served as an ambulance driver in the Army, nearly died in a mishap a few days after landing on Normandy in 1944.

Peer Response Workshop – Nov. 18

November 4, 2014

Learn more about how to effectively design and use peer-response (where students give each other feedback on their writing) in your classes at this faculty development workshop