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'Transforming Students' explores how students change in college
May 8, 2014
Elon University professors Charity Johansson and Peter Felten have co-authored a book that explains how colleges everywhere can better help students learn and develop through meaningful experiences both on and off campus.
The Pendulum, Elon student named SPJ national award winners
May 6, 2014
The Pendulum and junior Al Drago have been named Mark of Excellence national winners by the Society of Professional Journalists.
AACU officer to lead lunchtime session on 'Reimagning Writing' – May 5
April 28, 2014
Susan Albertine, vice president for the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Student Success at the American Association of Colleges and Universities, will lead a workshop for faculty and staff titled "Reimagining Writing: How to prepare graduates for the lives they will really lead."
Victoria Shropshire talks about uses of archival research for writing in literature courses – April 23
April 22, 2014
Enjoy bagels and coffee as Shropshire discusses research she conducted at the Library of Congress on personal correspondence among Revolutionary War generals Nathanael Greene, George Washington, Charles Cornwallis, and more.
Winners announced for Thomas Jefferson essay contest
April 17, 2014
The 15th annual Philip L. Carret Endowment Thomas Jefferson Essay Contest asked students to write about the relationship between public education and the common good in the 21st century.
In My Words: Media shades the truth when it comes to colorism
April 8, 2014
Associate Professor Naeemah Clark criticizes in newspaper guest columns an entertainment industry that perpetuates standards of beauty that celebrate lighter complexions over elegance also found in people with darker skin.
David Crowe authors groundbreaking book on war crimes & genocide
April 7, 2014
“War Crimes, Genocide, and Justice” by Elon University’s David Crowe is a global history of battlefield horrors and the international humanitarian law that developed in response to barbaric behaviors of armies and their leaders.
English majors present at national conference
March 20, 2014
Kim Lilienthal and Kyle Whitaker presented their Honors research projects at the 2014 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Indianapolis on March 20.
Student winners named in inaugural university writing contest
March 18, 2014
More than $5,000 in prize money to be used at Barnes & Noble was awarded during College Coffee on March 18 as winners of the university's Human Rights and Social Justice Writing Contest were announced.
Awards ceremony for Human Rights and Social Justice Writing Contest – March 18
March 16, 2014
Winners of more than $5,000 in prizes for outstanding student writing will be revealed by the Writing Excellence Inititiave at College Coffee, March 18.