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Honeycutt co-authors article in Business Horizons

October 7, 2011

Earl Honeycutt, Martha and Spencer Love Term Professor of Marketing, along with Vince Magnini, Virginia Tech University, and Shawn Thelen, Hofstra University, recently published the article "Solutions for customer complaints about offshoring and outsourcing services" in Business Horizons.

Chandler Family Professional Sales Center named full member of USCA

September 8, 2011

Elon University’s Chandler Family Professional Sales Center, housed in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, recently became a full member of the University Sales Center Alliance, a consortium of sales centers located in universities throughout the United States.

Michael Rodriguez publishes articles on social media and CRM

August 31, 2011

Michael Rodriguez, assistant professor of marketing in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, published two articles earlier this summer – “Making Social Media Effective in Real Estate” and “CRM and Sales Pipeline Management--Empirical Results for Managing Opportunities.”

Elon named a top university for professional sales education

August 25, 2011

Elon University’s sales program in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business has been named a “Top University Sales Program for 2011” by the Sales Education Foundation, a component of The Dayton Foundation nonprofit established to promote university level educational programs in sales through the provision of scholarships, the creation of educational materials and other methods.

Elon in NYC: Michael Rodriguez wins on Wall Street

August 25, 2011

Students in Elon University's Elon in New York City domestic summer internship program take a four-credit-hour course called "The Streets of New York City" that requires them to study the Big Apple from the ground level so that they may develop a deeper and richer understanding of the city in which they'll live and intern until Aug. 6.

Elon students win national sales competition

August 25, 2011

Elon University seniors Meg Anderson and Charley Costa won top honors last weekend at the 2010 Russ Berrie Institute National Sales Challenge at William Paterson University in New Jersey. Their achievements marked the second time in a month that students from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business finished first in a national competition that attracted teams from some of the nation's leading business programs.

Earl Honeycutt named first Martha and Spencer Love Term Professor

August 25, 2011

Earl Honeycutt, a professor of marketing at Elon University since 2002, has been named the first Martha and Spencer Love Term Professor, an honor established by a gift from the Martha and Spencer Love Foundation that was announced during the business school’s 25th anniversary gala in February.