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Imagining the Internet study: moving from the desktop to “the cloud”

June 11, 2010

A new survey conducted by Elon's Imagining the Internet Center and the Pew Internet Project finds that technology experts predict people who use the Internet will "live mostly in the cloud" by 2020, working primarily through applications based on remote servers and accessed through networked devices.

Becoming Streetwise: Students in Elon in New York City program pound their own piece of pavement

June 9, 2010

The 18 students in Elon University's revamped Elon in New York City program are being tossed to the streets for nine weeks this summer. Their four-credit-hour course, called "The Streets of New York City," will force them to study the Big Apple from the ground level so that they may develop a deeper and richer understanding of the city in which they'll live and intern until Aug. 7.