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Harlen Makemson studies media, NASA relationship in new book

June 10, 2009

ABC News journalist Jules Bergman filled the TV screen to give an update on the Apollo 13 space mission. Bergman had been covering the space program since before the Gemini missions, so he had become a signature personality in media coverage of lunar events. On this day, Bergman had bad news.

CBS Evening News features ’09 Elon alum

June 9, 2009

When Robert Hoppey '09 saw a tough job market in the year leading up to his graduation, he built a "souped-up multimedia resume" that included a video spoof of "The Office" television program to show potential employers his creative side. CBS Evening News took note, too, and Hoppey was featured in a June 8 nationwide segment on the ways college graduates are marketing themselves in an economic recession.