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Intern Insider: Reitnouer Finds Film in Nashville

July 30, 2008

A couple of cities across the nation more readily align themselves with the motion picture industry. Of course, there’s Los Angeles and New York, the bastions of the film business. To a lesser extent, tropical locations such as Honolulu and Miami are no strangers to movie crews.

Lee Bush authors marketing article for PR Tactics/The Strategist Online

July 30, 2008

Lee Bush, assistant professor of communications, wrote an article on conversational marketing for the online publications of the Public Relations Society of America. The article, titled "Conversational marketing - engaging the networked community in a dialogue with your brand," argues that old models of communications are still pervasive.

Elon junior writes chapter for guidebook

July 30, 2008

Many students keep little more than a photo album to share their stories from overseas college trips. Elon junior Ashley Dischinger, however, will soon have much more to show for her recent Winter Term program in South Africa – a chapter in a forthcoming guidebook on study abroad destinations.

Barnett Releases DVD about Documentary Filmmaking

July 24, 2008

Associate professor and director of elondocs Brooke Barnett has produced and released a DVD titled “Documentary Filmmaking: Tips from the Trenches,” which encases interviews with seasoned filmmakers about the technical, legal, ethical and business issues of documentary film.

Intern Insider: ‘Model Interns’ Absorb Versatile Internship

July 19, 2008

The first half of their day followed a familiar script. They attended meetings. They filled out paperwork. They otherwise hung out in an office and did typical, mundane intern tasks. But in Los Angeles, what first day would be complete without a trip to a television set?