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Elon is Hollywood bound June 3 & 5

May 29, 2008

Alumni, faculty and students will gather in Los Angeles June 5 to kick off the Elon in L.A. internship and study program. The new program offers students an inside view of the entertainment industry and opportunities to network with alumni. Alumni also will gather June 3 to launch an L.A. alumni chapter.

Elon Academy hosts young students from D.C.

May 29, 2008

Thirty students from an elementary school in Washington, D.C., spent two days on campus this month as part of a joint program between the Elon Academy and a nonprofit group dedicated to helping under-served youth prepare for and succeed in college.

Elon parents Howard C. and Judy Pickett make gift to enhance leadership program

May 15, 2008

Elon parents Howard C. and Judy Pickett of Cary, N.C., have made a $110,000 endowment gift to enhance the university’s Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows program. The couple made the gift because of the transformative experience that their daughter, Hilaire, a senior, has had as a Leadership Fellow at Elon.