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Charter class of Elon Law featured in Greensboro News and Record
August 28, 2009
The Sunday, May 17 edition of the News and Record features editorial columns by George R. Johnson, Jr., Dean of the Elon University School of Law, and Sean M. Olson, a member of the law school's charter class, both celebrating the achievements of the class as it prepares for graduation, May 24.
Charter class of Elon Law receives Juris Doctor degrees
May 28, 2009
At the inaugural commencement exercises of the Elon University School of Law, 107 members of the charter class received their Juris Doctor degrees, marking a major milestone for the school founded on the principle that a legal education should prepare students to be not only excellent lawyers but also leaders in their communities.
Elon Law charter class students Phillip Cornett, Michele Cybulski, and Miriam Heard featured in News and Record column
May 26, 2009
News and Record columnist Jeri Rowe writes in a May 21 article titled, "Elon Law graduates out to make a difference," that charter class students all sound like Atticus Finch, the legal advocate from the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," in that they all, "want to make a difference."
Elon Law's charter class contributions to Greensboro featured on WFMY News 2
May 26, 2009
George R. Johnson, Jr., Dean of Elon University School of Law, and Luke Spencer, a member of the charter class, spoke with WFMY News 2 reporter Justin Quesinberry on May 22 about the impacts that the law school is having on the economic and social well-being of Greensboro.
Charter class gift presented at Elon Law Dean’s Reception
May 23, 2009
On the eve of their graduation, members of the charter class presented their gift to the Elon University School of Law, a contribution toward a scholarship for future law students and an original commissioned painting by Greensboro artist William Mangum, depicting iconic elements of the law school facility and historic experiences of the Elon Law community.
Elon Law charter class featured on Fox 8 News
May 21, 2009
Charter class members Jason Aycoth, Melissa Duncan, Nichelle Harrison, and Eleftherios Xixis, as well as Assstant Dean for Admissions Sharon Gaskin, were featured in a May 19 news story about the contributions of the class to the law school and to Greensboro, on WGHP-TV Fox 8 News.
Elon Law’s charter class contributes over 21,000 hours of community service
May 16, 2009
As the 107 members of the charter class at Elon University School of Law prepare for graduation, scheduled for May 24, Dean George R. Johnson, Jr. hailed their collective contributions to the well being of communities across North Carolina.
President Lambert welcomes new Elon Law Alumni Association
May 16, 2009
At the President's Reception for charter class members of Elon University School of Law, held May 14, the newly formed Elon Law Alumni Association was welcomed into the university's alumni family.