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Reveal podcast, article feature Squire's insights on online extremism
June 10, 2019
The podcast from The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX focuses on how hate groups are finding ways to remain online despite crackdowns.
Squire quoted in Buzzfeed News article about white nationalist groups of Facebook
June 3, 2019
Megan Squire, professor of computing sciences, offered insights for the article that focused on the use of Facebook by white nationalist, white supremacist and other hate groups.
NBC News report on domestic extremists cites Squire
May 21, 2019
Megan Squire, professor of computer science, was among those featured in the piece who are tracking domestic terrorism online.
Elon’s 2019 faculty retirees recognized
May 15, 2019
At the annual Faculty/Staff Awards Luncheon on May 15, the Elon community honored 11 faculty members and six staff members who are retiring this year.
Voice of America segment on white nationalists features insights from Megan Squire
April 16, 2019
Squire, professor of computer science, has collected data about American right-wing groups and white nationalists who use the Russian VK social media platform.
Computer science team wins Triad programming competition
April 10, 2019
Elon University's competitive programming team took first place at the 2019 Triad programming competition.
The Conversation: Why the next terror manifesto could be even harder to track
March 27, 2019
In this piece written for The Conversation, Megan Squire, professor of computer science, offers insight into why it may become harder to fight hate online in the future. The article was published by the Houston Chronicle, the San Francisco Chronicle and other media outlets around the country.
Apple Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams to speak at Elon TODAY
February 18, 2019
Williams, an Elon parent, will visit Elon Feb. 22 to discuss his role at Apple.
Megan Squire featured on BBC Radio's 'Up All Night' program
January 29, 2019
Squire, a professor of computer science, discussed how the Facebook Messenger app will be integrated with Whatsapp and Instagram using end-to-end encryption.
Elon Black Alumni Network Awards: Honoring black excellence
November 2, 2018
The Elon Black Alumni Network presented awards Nov. 3 to five members of the Elon community as part of its Homecoming festivities