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ISC Meet & Greet with Door Prizes and Dessert
April 3, 2011
Seven Computing Sciences Majors Accepted to IT Summer Analyst Program at Credit Suisse
April 3, 2011
Credit Suisse is a world-leading financial services company with offices located around the world with offices in Switzerland, United Kingdom, Brazil, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States. Over 25% of Credit Suisse employees are in information technology. In an effort to identify and potentially hire outstanding IT graduates from the class of 2012, Credit Suisse offers paid, ten week summer internship programs for rising seniors at selective locations to include Raleigh, North Carolina.
Senior Amy Eubanks Wins Best Poster ar 49th Annual ACM Southeast Conference
March 29, 2011
The 49th Annual ACM Southeast Conference was held at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia on March 24-26th, 2011. The conference presented a best poster award for student posters authored by graduate and undergraduate students without faculty co-authors. Amy Eubanks, a senior Computer Science and Mathematics major at Elon won the best poster award.
Joel Hollingsworth presents at ACMSE 2011
March 29, 2011
On March 25, 2011, Joel Hollingsworth presented a paper co-authored with Dave Powell at the 49th Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Southeast Conference at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia. The title of the paper was "Requiring Web-based Cloud and Mobile Computing in a Computer Science Undergraduate Curriculum". This conference is the oldest running ACM conference.
Kate Vogt ’11, Duke Hutchings accepted to international human-computer interaction conference
March 29, 2011
The International Federation for Information Processing Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2011) has accepted for presentation the co-authored work of Elon senior Kate Vogt, Elon assistant professor Duke Hutchings, and collaborators from Virginia Tech. The paper is titled "Co-located Collaborative Sensemaking on a Large High-Resolution Display with Multiple Input Devices."
Tony Crider and Megan Squire present at AAC&U conference
March 23, 2011
Tony Crider, an associate professor of physics, and Megan Squire, an associate professor of computing sciences, led a workshop titled "Reacting to the Past: The Pluto Debate" on March 25 at a conference on Engaged STEM Learning: From Promising to Pervasive Practices.
Joel Hollingsworth and Dave Powell give workshop at SIGCSE 2011
March 23, 2011
Joel Hollingsworth and Dave Powell gave a three hour workshop at the 42nd Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) on March 11th in Dallas, Texas.
Shannon Duvall interviewed by WFMY News on Jeopardy IBM Challenge
February 16, 2011
Professor Shannon Duvall is an expert on Artificial Intelligence and has done extensive research on natural language dialog systems. On Feb. 15th, she was visited by a local news station, WFMY News 2, to get her reaction to the second day of the Jeopardy IBM Challenge.
Hollingsworth and Powell to give workshop at SIGCSE 2011
January 11, 2011
SIGCSE 2011 Technical Symposium is the largest annual event focused on computer science education and is being held March 9 - 12, 2011 in Dallas Texas. The four day event brings educators from around the world to present papers, posters, panels and workshops. Joel Hollingsworth and Dave Powell will present a three hour workshop titled "Developing an Android Mobile Application for the Google App Engine Cloud.
Fall CSC420 Game Programming
December 15, 2010
On December 14, 2010, five teams from CSC 420 Game Programming and Computer Graphics displayed the games that they specified, design, implemented and tested during the fall semester in Professor Duvall's class.