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Squire Conklin publishes journal article

October 22, 2008

Megan Squire Conklin, an associate professor of computing sciences, has published an article titled "Integrating Projects from Multiple Open Source Code Forges" in the International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes.

Book project leader visits Elon students

October 7, 2008

Richard "Rick" Watson, the co-leader of a nonprofit effort to produce free electronic and print textbooks for students in the developing world, visited Elon on Monday to share his vision and to seek partnerships at the university with which to expand the Global Text Project.

Two Elon teams to compete in IBM computer programming contest

October 1, 2008

Computing sciences faculty member Joel Hollingsworth will lead two Elon teams to compete in the regional phase of the world's most prestigious computer programming competition. Fourteen colleges and universities will compete in the regional contest Oct. 25 at Duke University.