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Arun Gandhi to talk TONIGHT on nonviolence & terrorism

November 7, 2007

A grandson of Mahatma Gandhi visits Elon today for a public talk on nonviolent responses to terrorism and how he believes it is more important for a nation to be respected for its moral strength than its military might.

Moon astronaut teaches that great successes means taking risks

October 1, 2007

The tallest hurdles to future space exploration is a “complacency and lack of clear commitment," said retired astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon and an Elon University speaker for students and grandparents at the start of Family Weekend. Details…

George Will engages students on current events

September 21, 2007

Money in politics? We need more of it. The role of a columnist? It’s to clarify ideas and arguments. And how much is that Barry Bonds record-breaking home run ball really worth? “About $2.80.” Acclaimed conservative commentator George Will talked with Elon students Thursday, blending humor and insight for a captivated audience. Details…