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CELEBRATE! profile: Stephanie Franz ’11

April 29, 2011

Research shows how the growth of a nation’s economy harms its air quality, at least until citizens live comfortably enough to demand change. Does the same hold true for water pollution? Elon University senior Stephanie Franz examined that question, and her work is the last to be featured in a series of E-net profiles on undergraduate research presented during CELEBRATE! 2011.

Jim Barbour publishes paper on medieval stone carver work practices

April 14, 2011

Associate Professor of Economics Jim Barbour’s paper "Schneider’s ‘Singede Steine’: La lectura musical de la iconografía en el claustro de Sant Cugat del Vallés," has been published in Círculo Románico, the journal of the Spanish Centro de Estudios del Romantico, Madrid.

Steve DeLoach presents at ASSA meetings

February 1, 2011

Steve DeLoach, a professor of economics, made a presentation at the Allied Social Science Associations annual meetings held Jan. 6-9, 2011. The ASSA is the largest annual economics conference, attracting more than 10,000 academic and government economists from all over the world.

Katy Rouse presents at top economics conference

January 18, 2011

Katy Rouse, assistant professor of economics, recently presented her new paper, "Curing the summertime blues: the impact of year-round schooling on academic achievement," at the Allied Social Science Associations Jan. 6-9, 2011. The ASSA is the largest annual economics conference, attracting more than 10,000 academic and government economists from all over the world.

Thomas Tiemann teaching in Poland

December 1, 2010

Thomas Tiemann, Jefferson Pilot Professor of Economics, is teaching a two-week course, "The Economics of Cities," at Universytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie (Cracow University of Economics) this semester in Krakow, Poland.

Kurt interviewed by High Point Enterprise

September 2, 2010

Mark Kurt, assistant professor of economics, was interviewed by the High Point Enterprise for an article about the impact of corporate earning on the job market.