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Exercise Science student wins research award at regional conference

February 17, 2010

Fourteen Exercise Science students attended the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine meeting Feb. 11-13 in Greenville, N.C. Exercise Science faculty Barry Beedle, Wally Bixby, Joyce Davis, Eric Hall, Paul Miller and Health and Human Performance faculty member Liz Bailey also attended the conference.

Miller and Hall publish article with alumni

May 4, 2009

Paul C. Miller, professor of exercise science, and Eric E. Hall, associate professor of exercise science, have published an article, “The Influence of Muscle Action on Heart Rate, RPE, and Affective Responses After Upper-Body Resistance Exercise” in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Vol. 23(2): 366-372. Elon exercise science alumni Elizabeth A. Chmelo, Jeffrey M. Morrison, Rachel E. DeWitt, and Christine M. Kostura were co-authors on this publication.