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Elon continuing focus on Act-Belong-Commit framework and mental wellness
April 24, 2020
The Act-Belong-Commit Framework encourages members of the Elon community to be active, resilient and mentally healthy citizens engaged in meaningful and purposeful commitments in their communities and around the world.
Fresh-brewed research: Vanessa Salama ’20 studies how coffee impacts appetite, cognitive function
April 22, 2020
Salama, an Honors Fellow, has worked since spring 2018 with Associate Professor Svetlana Nepocatych on her research.
Faculty check-in: Professor of Exercise Science Joyce Davis
April 1, 2020
Professor of Exercise Science Joyce Davis continues to engage with her biomechanics students during Elon's online learning period.
Tips for staying physically active while socially distant
March 30, 2020
Assistant Professors of Exercise Science Simon Higgins and Titch Madzima and Director of Campus Recreation and Wellness Larry Mellinger offer tips for staying active at home during this period of social distancing.
Elon partnership with England’s Bournemouth University opens new doors for research
February 3, 2020
Elon University and Bournemouth University in England have partnered on a summer exchange program to create new opportunities for undergraduate research in exercise science and sport therapy.
Hall speaks to high-impact practices for student-athletes at first NCAA Academic-Athletics Summit
January 30, 2020
Professor of Exercise Science and Faculty Athletics Representative Eric Hall was featured on a recent NCAA panel about high-impact practices and their role in the student-athlete experience.
Elon announces 2019-20 Sustainability Faculty Scholars
October 28, 2019
The Sustainability Faculty Scholars program identifies, supports and recognizes faculty who are interested in incorporating or enhancing a focus on sustainable principles and practices in their courses.
Hall expands international expertise in mentored undergraduate research through Center for Engaged Learning scholarship
October 21, 2019
Professor of Exercise Science Eric Hall concluded his term as the Center for Engaged Learning’s first senior scholar in May.
Elon launches ‘Act-Belong-Commit’ initiative at Mental Health Summit
September 26, 2019
The two-day summit marked the official launch of the "Act-Belong-Commit" framework, which promotes a mentally healthy Elon campus.
Simon Higgins publishes article in high-impact bone journal
September 23, 2019
The article in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research highlights potential sex differences in the muscle-mediated relationship between physical activity and bone