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New book urges caution when assuming 'well-being'

March 30, 2016

Professor Yoram Lubling co-authored "Peace in Motion: John Dewey and the Aesthetics of Well-Being" as a way of applying ideas from the 20th century philosopher to how public policy is crafted today.

In treating patients with HIV, 'look at the whole person'

March 9, 2016

Professor Cynthia “Cindy” Fair delivered Elon University’s 2016 Distinguished Scholar Award Lecture on Tuesday with stories of her research into the lives of young people born with HIV, and the challenges they face transitioning from pediatric care into adult health care settings. 

Research offers guidance for doctors treating young adults

January 15, 2016

A study co-authored by Elon University Professor Cynthia Fair in JAMA Pediatrics gives healthcare providers clearer goals for helping young patients with chronic illnesses transition successfully to adult care settings.

Kirstin Ringelberg named recipient of full-year Elon sabbatical

January 8, 2016

The professor of art history will spend 2016-17 working on a book that explores the life and impact of Madeleine Lemaire, a popular French artist whose studio became a site of queer identification in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Michael Rich featured for best new legal scholarship

January 7, 2016

Elon Law Professor Michael Rich is featured in a journal devoted to identifying "the best new scholarship relevant to the law" for his forthcoming University of Pennsylvania Law Review article on law enforcement's use of "big data."