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Did executive immigration order stumble over procedure?

February 20, 2015

On Feb. 17 a federal judge blocked the Obama administration’s executive action that seeks to shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation. Elon Law Professor Enrique Armijo provides analysis of the decision’s central legal issue in this week’s “Elon Law Now.”

The use of automated technology in crime fighting

February 15, 2015

Elon Law Professor Michael Rich explored the implications of new technology in the identification of likely criminals at the 2015 Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting.

Detaining toddlers in the name of national security 

February 13, 2015

Elon Law Professor Heather Scavone examines U.S. justifications for family detention of immigrant women and children, spotlighting a lack of legal representation for these families, as part the “Elon Law Now” series of faculty analysis and commentary about current legal issues. 

Forced vaccination? 

February 6, 2015

Informing national debate about the role of government in stemming the spread of measles, Elon Law Professor Helen Grant offers analysis of current vaccination laws and points to potential gaps in U.S. health law. Grant's commentary is the first in a weekly “Elon Law Now” series providing faculty analysis of current legal issues.

Preparing lawyers in a transformational age

February 4, 2015

Elon Law Dean Luke Bierman writes in the inaugural issue of the Journal of Experiential Learning about reinventing legal education to prepare lawyers for success in a world moving rapidly toward 22nd century thought and practice.

David Crowe co-edits book on Sino-German relationship

February 4, 2015

"Germany and China: Transnational Encounters since the Eighteenth Century" includes chapters Crowe authored, including one that was co-written by an Elon  alumna who recently completed graduate work at Columbia University.

New Family Justice Center breaks ground in Greensboro

December 23, 2014

Elon Law is an executive partner in the coalition advancing a new Guilford County Family Justice Center, which will house 17 provider agencies and create a single point of access for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and elder abuse.