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Greek community hosts Halloween trick-or-treat
October 30, 2006
Greek community hosts Halloween trick-or-treat
October 30, 2006
Anhorn elected president of national association
October 17, 2006
Anhorn elected president of national association
October 17, 2006
Elon Pi Kappa Phi chapter earns national honor
August 15, 2006
Elon Greeks earn national recognition at conference
March 2, 2006
National honors and recognitions were received by members of the Elon fraternity and sorority community at the recent Mid-American Greek Council Association (MGCA) Conference in Chicago. Details...
Whittier earns national Greek Life award
February 20, 2006
Greek organizations host Trick or Treat on Greek Street
October 31, 2005
Pan-Hellenic Council Garden is dedicated during ceremony
September 19, 2005
A dedication ceremony was held Saturday, Sept. 17 at the new National Pan-Hellenic Council Garden, located adjacent to the Ellington Health Center on campus. The garden has a stone monument for each of Elon's historically black fraternities and sororities. Details...
Elon Elementary Book Drive
September 7, 2005