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DPT student research poster wins second place at conference
October 25, 2011
A research poster, The Effect of Task-Specific Training in a Person with Cerebellar Ataxia and Vertigo, by Pamela Cameron SPT (3rd year Doctor of Physical Therapy student) and Jane Freund PT, DPT, NCS (DPT faculty) won second place in the student category at the North Carolina Physical Therapy Association's Fall 2011 Conference.
Elon MBA named nation’s best administered program
October 13, 2011
The Princeton Review gives top marks to the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business's MBA program and facilities.
DPT faculty member Janet Cope has article published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Education
September 29, 2011
Janet Cope, Stewart Holt and several Elon DPT alumni (Erin Sanders, Laura Corriher and Davis Templeton) are authors of an article published in this month's Journal of Physical Therapy Education.
DPT students, faculty and alumni travel to Romania to educate and assist those in need
September 8, 2011
Bill Andrews, associate professor of physical therapy, led doctor of physical therapy students and alumni on a trip to Romania in August 2011.
Interactive Media program welcomes Class of 2012
August 31, 2011
On Aug. 1 the School of Communications welcomed 40 students to the master’s program in Interactive Media. The enrolling students compose the largest class in the program’s three-year history.
M.Ed. candidates receive degrees in summer Commencement
August 20, 2011
Thirty-nine students in the Master of Education program received their Elon University degrees Saturday morning in a Commencement ceremony featuring a keynote address from professor Judith Howard, the longtime director of the education graduate program who retires this month after serving the university since 1993 as a teacher, researcher and mentor.
Gift from New Leaf Society supports physician assistant program
August 18, 2011
The New Leaf Society, of Burlington, N.C., has made a gift-in-kind to the Ever Elon Campaign to support the university’s new master of physician assistant studies program. The gift will support landscaping and other work associated with renovations of the Gerald L. Francis Center, which will house the PA and physical therapy programs on Elon’s main campus.
Enrichment program connects DPT students with area children
August 9, 2011
Forty first-year Doctor of Physical Therapy students joined 26 elementary children on July 14 for a morning of fun and physical activity as part of Elon’s Summer Learning and Enrichment Academy, a partnership between Elon and the Alamance-Burlington School System that focuses on helping exceptional children in grades K-8 develop and maintain academic and behavioral skills they need to be successful in their learning.
Board of Trustees approves physician assistant master’s program
August 9, 2011
The Elon University Board of Trustees has approved the establishment of a master of science program in physician assistant studies. The board's vote at its Oct. 22-23 fall meeting will launch Elon’s sixth graduate program.
News & Record spotlights Elon’s new Physician Assistant Studies program
August 9, 2011
Elon's new PA program, which enrolls its first class in January 2013, was featured in the July 25 edition of the Greensboro News & Record.