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Quit SmartĀ® Smoking Cessation classes at Elon

October 27, 2011

Do you feel like a slave to cigarettes? Are the people you love breathing your secondhand smoke? Would you like to feel better, have more energy and save about $1500 a year? You can quit smoking with Quit Smart, Duke University’s unique smoking cessation program that Well U now offers to Elon University employees.

Wellness @ Elon: Making Smart and Healthy Snack Choices

October 27, 2011

Want to know how healthy the snacks you eat really are for your health? Looking for ways to eat healthy on a tight budget? Well U, Elon's Wellness Program, offers you a chance to learn about the foods you eat and how they impact your health, as well as how to make healthy snack choices on a tight budget.

Wellness @Elon: The sunshine vitamin

October 27, 2011

You’ve been told about needing to increase your intake of calcium to fortify your bones and teeth. But do you know you need to get a daily dose of Vitamin D, too, to make sure that calcium is absorbed properly into your bloodstream? For years, most of us assumed we’d be fine if we drank a little milk and took a daily multivitamin. But recent studies report that regimen leads to a Vitamin D deficiency, and those deficiencies may well be causing numerous illnesses, including cancer.

Life before Elon

October 25, 2011

For many faculty and staff, coming to Elon meant leaving behind careers as business entrepreneurs, actors and concert promoters.

In his own words: Life as a sensei

October 25, 2011

Associate Professor of Communications Glenn Scott is on leave this year to serve as a Fulbright visiting professor at the University of the Ryukyus in Japan. In this column, he shares some of his experiences as he (re)adjusts to life overseas.