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Carmen Monico quoted in Associated Press story on Guatemala

September 7, 2015

The assistant professor of human service studies spoke with the international wire service for an article that looked at the corrupt adoption process involving Guatemalan children following a decades-long Civil War - and efforts by Guatemalan adoptees today to find their birth parents.

Cynthia Fair: Groundbreaking researcher

June 4, 2015

The professor of human service studies was awarded the 2015 Distinguished Scholar Award for her wealth of research on changes in the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Elon senior awarded Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs

May 18, 2015

Daniel Sheehan, a human service studies and strategic communications double major, begins his career after Elon with a fellowship in New York City that develops "the next generation of aspiring change makers."

National College Health Assessment

April 23, 2015

Survey of student health behaviors/experiences. Link sent to students via email on Monday, April 21st.  Active now through Friday, May 8th.