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iMedia Ice Cream Social Sept. 6

August 28, 2012

The Interactive Media master's program will host an ice cream social at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 6 on the second floor of Powell.

Paul Parsons leads Accrediting Council sessions

August 28, 2012

Dean Paul Parsons of the School of Communications led sessions on diversity, faculty, resources and assessment at an Aug. 23 Accrediting Council workshop in Chicago for 60 university programs seeking accreditation in the discipline.

Jessica Gisclair participates in Oxford Round Table

August 6, 2012

Jessica Gisclair, department chair and associate professor in the School of Communications, was a lead discussant on “Improving International Understanding through Transnational Benchmarking” at the Oxford Round Table at Harris Manchester College, Oxford, England, July 29 – Aug. 2.