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WGHP FOX8 highlights Elon’s ‘Remembering the Holocaust’ Winter Term course in Europe
May 2, 2023
Reporter Bob Buckley talked with Associate Professor Rich Landesberg, who leads the course, and students who participated.
David Bockino, Michael Brown ’23 head to Barcelona to present on the benefits of undergraduate research
April 25, 2023
The associate professor of sport management and Communications Fellow co-presented “The Sports Media Lab: Undergraduate Research as a High-Impact Educational Practice” at the 2023 Summit on Communication and Sport.
Allegra Laing selected as executive director of global programming
March 31, 2023
Following a national search, Allegra Laing, associate director for global diversity and inclusion, has been selected as the next executive director for global programming in the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center (GEC).
Renewed partnership with New Zealand extends study abroad offerings for Elon education students
March 7, 2023
This spring, more than 20 Teaching Fellows and one education major departed for New Zealand in February to restart this unique program.
Sundance Experience leads to learning, connections and opportunity
February 20, 2023
Assistant Professor Kai Swanson and 17 Elon students traveled to Park City, Utah, and Hollywood during Winter Term for an immersion experience into the film and entertainment industries.
Students explore entrepreneurship and innovation in Los Angeles during Winter Term
February 13, 2023
Led by Alyssa Martina, faculty member and director of the Doherty Center for Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, the program met with more than 30 companies during a three-week span.
Vietnam winter program unites Love School of Business students & alumni
February 10, 2023
Led by Assistant Professor Brittany Mercado, a January visit to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City provided more than just corporate lessons; it presented current students the opportunity to be mentored by accomplished graduates.
Three Elon teams present at the WISE Conference
February 8, 2023
The Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement (WISE) Conference was held on Feb. 3 and 4 at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Alumni in Action: A ‘peak’ into Carrie Hartsfield MacLean’s ’16 life in Patagonia
February 8, 2023
Elon alumni rise to the challenge every day in many ways, but MacLean is reaching new heights, quite literally with her travel agency, Venture Patagonia, based in Puerto Natales, Chile that prides itself on cultural immersion and life-changing experiences.
WCNC highlights Elon Winter Term course on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
February 7, 2023
During the Winter Term course led by Rich Landesberg from the School of Communications, students visited concentration and death camps across Europe.