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Nick Gozik selected as next dean of global education

November 23, 2020

The newly named dean of global education currently serves as director of the Office of International Programs and the McGillycuddy-Logue Center for Undergraduate Global Studies at Boston College.

The Nineteen: Caren Aveldanez ’21 and Ally Shearon ’22 in Germany

November 23, 2020

Caren Aveldanez and Ally Shearon are two of 19 undergraduate and graduate students studying abroad and Study USA this fall. "The Nineteen" is a series where we’ll take a closer look at these students’ stories to learn how global education is happening in this historic moment.

Elon ranked #1 in study abroad

November 16, 2020

Elon has again topped the list for study abroad participation according to the Institute of International Education (IIE)’s Open Doors report.

The Nineteen: Mary Thibodeau ’22 in Rwanda

November 9, 2020

Mary Thibodeau is one of 19 undergraduate and graduate students studying abroad and Studying USA this fall. "The Nineteen" is a series where we’ll take a closer look at these students’ stories to learn how global education is happening in this historic moment.

Estate gift endows 12 Business Fellows scholarships

October 19, 2020

The late Beth Powell, an entrepreneur and world traveler, has created a legacy that will help women studying business at the university. Her estate gift to the Elon LEADS Campaign creates 12 Business Fellows scholarships and a Global Studies Scholarship.