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Incoming students take part in regional service projects

July 23, 2014

Two dozen members of Elon University's Class of 2018 spent six days in July serving meals, building homes with Habitat for Humanity and volunteering at the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club through a program hosted by the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement.

Elon students visit Malawi for service work

June 29, 2014

For the third consecutive year, a program through the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement allowed students to work with a local children's center and assist an HIV/AIDS support group.

Elon employees donate food to local nonprofit

June 3, 2014

A canned food drive on the university's recent Staff Appreciation Day aided Allied Churches of Alamance County, a Burlington, N.C.-based charity that operates a food pantry to serve the region's hungry and homeless.

Six seniors receive Fulbright awards

May 23, 2014

The Class of 2014 is sending more scholars overseas next year with Fulbright English Teaching Assistant grants than any previous class in Elon University history.

Elon hosts Special Olympics spring games

May 20, 2014

Special Olympics of Alamance County, in partnership with Elon Volunteers!, hosted its annual Spring Games at Belk Track on May 2 with participation by hundreds of regional athletes.

'Don’t Trash It!' donation campaign runs May 14-25

May 11, 2014

Own a couch or desk or clothes you can't seem to sell on E-net? Instead of tossing them into the nearest Dumpsters this spring when heading away from campus, consider donating usable items to local charities that assist the needy of Alamance County.